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Women Nidra Nights (Monthly)

Women nidra nights, thriving from rest, singapore, yoga nidra

Tending . Celebrating . Me & We. The only agenda is to show-up open-hearted and flow in the river of rest.

These monthly gatherings are spaces to rest together.

To rest is to give up the sense of doing, give up the need to do anything perfectly, and to literally fall back and lay down. To rest may also mean to draw and nourish from that sense of community and familiar stories that we share. Or, your form of rest could be to immerse in quiet self-care time.

We gather on the last Friday of each month.


When it comes to rest experiences, "less is more". Less talk, more rest. These classes are not meant to deliver content/theories. But you can discover and learn a lot about yourself through experiences.

  • Check-in

  • Monthly soul theme

  • Guided yoga nidra and/or complementary rest practices

  • Sharing circle

For more information on yoga nidra, please visit this link.


  • Gatherings are held online via Zoom. Details of call will be emailed to you a few hours before class.

  • You can join us from anywhere in the world, as long as the timing makes sense for you!

  • Technology required: laptop/mobile phone/tablet, good internet connection, headphone/earphones (optional).

  • Rest space - preferable a quiet private space. You can lay down on yoga mat / bed / sofa / armchair etc. You can also choose to sit comfortably. Get cozy in your space!

  • Other things to prepare: journal + pen, tea/water. If there are any specific items to prepare for a particular month (depending on the theme and practice), you will be informed beforehand. They are usually simple items that can be gathered from around the house.


  • Payments are on a sliding scale of $15 - $25 per pax.

  • Your higher tier payment can pay-it-forward by supporting another woman who may be facing financial difficulties to attend class.

Other payment modes: If you wish to register and pay via PayNow, Revolut or bank transfer, please register by emailing .

Pay-What-You-Can: if you will like to join the classes and you are unwaged or having some difficulties, please reach out to .

Donations: if you are willing to pay more / partially sponsor / sponsor others to join classes, please contact ! Thank you!


About your facilitator

Youmin is a certified nature and forest therapy guide and a yoga nidra facilitator. A pioneer and leader in Singapore and the Southeast Asia, she is passionate about sharing nature connections and deep restorative rest for well-being, especially for stressed out and disconnected city dwellers. In this frantic world we live in, she hopes to share a safe and nurturing space for people to rest in the gap of no-thing-ness, honouring self, then rising up and thriving in the well-rested versions of themselves. Working with individuals, groups and organisations, Youmin's intention is to support them to rise up as well-rested leaders. She has also guided and taught at overseas workshops, retreats and seminars including Finland, Bangkok, Chiang Rai and the Philippines. Her work has also been shared at international and local conferences, as well as publications. She is the founder of Xiu Nature Connections.

Questions? Please contact

Earlier Event: April 27
Online Rest Hour