Thriving from rest. Nature inspired.
休 Xiu Nature Connections arrived on the wings of creative inspiration one day.
It suddenly dawned on me. It was crystal clear. Once I had seen it, I could no longer un-see. The wisdom from generations ago that is so simple and clear, but forgotten in our modern world.
人 (pronounced ‘r-urn’) / Man +
木 (pronounced ‘moo’) / Woods
Together, our relationship breathes a deep-rooted sense of restfulness and tranquility. We can re-member this in our bodies, in our bones and in our pores.
In this age of ‘do more, do better, do faster’, a world that is ubiquitously wired, and a whole generation with extended longevity, I believe in the power of re-membering the basics - Nature, our true nature, slowness, simplicity, awe, wonder, beauty, authenticity, gentleness, softness, pleasure, timelessness, play, curiosity, sunshine, rain, wind, trees, flowers, mud, bugs, bees, rocks, air, scents, warmth, seas, earth, fire, stars, moon, Mother Earth, hearts and senses.
I invite you to rest, rise, and thrive - physically, mentally and emotionally, one restful experience at a time. And as you embark on this self-care journey, may the Earth-care journey unfold naturally too, one nature inspiration at a time.
with love, Youmin
Youmin Yap is a Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs), forest therapy guide trainer, yoga nidra facilitator, mindfulness life coach, and founder of Xiu Nature Connections. She is passionate about self-care, slowing down practically, and re-connecting to nature - inner and outer, for wellbeing and for thriving. Slowing down, re-connecting with nature and discovering oneself - these are part of her story. And her intention is clear - to support others on their journeys through her practice.
As a pioneer forest therapy guide in the Southeast Asia, Youmin has been trailblazing forest therapy, nature connections and restorative rest for wellbeing - human’s and Earth’s, since 2017. A walk leader in the forest therapy community, she has guided more than 300 forest therapy sessions to date and has supported thousands of people in re-connecting with nature for their wellbeing. Her work has also seen her developing into the role of a trainer, and has trained a growing community of forest therapy guides in the Asia-Pacific region.
She has extensive guiding experience having worked with many private clients, private institutions and companies, government institutions, as well as various community groups and associations. Some of her clients include GIC Private Limited, Aberdeen Standard Investments, Ministry of Education, Singapore Cancer Society, the Australian High Commission, KENZO brand, Changi Airport Group and many more.
She has also been invited to facilitate and speak at various local and overseas retreats, events and conferences including in Finland, the Philippines, Thailand and the US. Under the invitation from CUGE, National Parks Board Singapore, Youmin has also written and published the article ‘Urban Forest Therapy in Singapore’ in the Citygreen periodical.
Youmin is energised by new creative projects that are nature-inspired. She works with brands to host bespoke, restful, nature-immersive experiences. With her background in other practices including yoga nidra and mindfulness, she blends and curates experiences purposefully and heartfully.
Her background includes Science research and education. Her past training includes a MSc in Life Sciences and a postgraduate diploma in education.
“People say we’re all seeking a meaning for life. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive.”