“Forest bathing is scientifically proven to improve your health.”
A heart-based and relational approach of forest bathing, forest therapy eases an individual to restore by absorbing the benefits from nature, plus gently rebuild and reconnect the individual’s relationships with all of Nature. This latter half is crucial so that self-care and Earth-care can happen in tandem. For ‘In the end we will conserve only what we love’ (Baba Dioum, 1968), and we can only love through relationships.
Slow, gentle, sensory and immersive, forest therapy relates a person to herself/himself, relates a person to others and all of Nature, relates a person to place. More than just boosting or maintaining physical and physiological health, it is also a return to wholeness by remembering through our senses, and relationships.
Forest therapy is inspired from the Japanese 'shinrin yoku' which literally means 'forest bathing'. Research studies have quantified and demonstrated a wide array of health benefits derived from forest bathing. Forest therapy builds on these benefits and then looks beyond - the subtleties of our holistic health and wholeness that go beyond quantifiable measurements - the remembrance, intimacy, reciprocity, belonging.
A sensorial, sequenced and surprising journey
The focus is on being present in nature, awakening our senses and using them to connect with nature. Unlike a hike or nature appreciation walk, forest therapy is not a completion of a trail within a time period. It is also not a typical nature walk that focuses on identifications of flora and fauna.
A clearly defined sequence of activities provides structure in an experiential forest therapy journey, yet balances it with openness and empowerment to allow each individual’s sensorial discovery to unfold.
These slow riveting walks through nature supports mental, emotional and physical well-being. Using carefully crafted and perfected invitational activities, individuals are guided to interact with nature in ways that they have never thought possible before. The gentleness of the practice makes it accessible to everyone no matter the age, gender, fitness and religion.
Forest therapy is also an effective tool for facilitating executive and creative retreats, navigating life transitions and developing healthy and positive mindsets. The effective 'tuning in', the sharpening of intuition and the exposures to other perspectives are known to contribute to the successes of such pursuits.
The Science and research
Over the last decades, the benefits of forest bathing have been scientifically quantified. These include:
Increased concentration and mental focus;
Increased creativity;
Increased body immunity;
Increased post-operation or post-hospitalisation recovery rates;
Increased amounts and efficacy of our body's natural killer cells (NK cells) against cancer;
Improved maintenance of blood glucose concentrations;
Improved sleep;
Reduced stress;
Reduced blood pressure.
Some of the research are available here.
The biggest question
Most of us have walked and visited a park, garden or forest before. So, what is so special about a guided forest therapy or forest bathing walk? Why do I even need a guide? These are all very valid questions and deserve attention. So here’s Why You May Need a Guide.
Leader in the field of forest therapy
The Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programes (ANFT) is the leading global voice for forest therapy. Setting the standards for forest therapy practice, the ANFT trains and certifies forest therapy guides worldwide.